Italia Ceramics Introduce New Mutina Collections

Italia Ceramics recently held an event within their award winning showroom, to officially launch the new Mutina collections, where they welcomed special guest Fabio Locatelli. Mutina is described as a brand new way of looking at ceramics, which are no longer tiles, but objects of interior design. ‘Mutina is an artistic project that unites technology, craft, experimentation and research to push the boundaries of the material itself and create a high-quality product.’

Italia Ceramics is excited to introduce you to two of their newest collections, the first being Celosia. Celosia is a unique collection created by Patricia Urquiola, which reprises the traditional artisanal production process typical of terracotta. The structure of this exceptional brick, creates dynamic and unique partitions, making it the perfect feature piece in any room upon installation. ‘With this collection, the wish to exit from two-dimensional spaces typical of standard wall covering is translated into the experimentation of three-dimensional bricks, which gives shape to new design elements, whose high aesthetic-functional content enables limitless solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces.’

The second collection is Lane, by designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, which comprises of three versions, Base, Poly and Mono. Visit the Italia Ceramics showroom to see the stunning new Base collection in all 5 colour palettes, white, black, grey, aubergine and terracotta, with each colour palette formed by a mix of different tones.

Created from the minds of some of the world’s leading international designers, Mutina continues to create innovative tile patterns into unique pieces of art. In all of their projects, Mutina follows the ten principles for good design as set down by Dieter Rams. Good design is innovative, aesthetic, unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, thorough – down to the last detail, environmentally friendly, simplistic and makes a product useful and understandable. Visit the Italia Ceramics showroom or explore the Mutina range online, and immerse yourself in their unique and innovative designs.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on the night, and for Pasta Deli and Love Food Story for our incredible grazing table. See a snapshot into the night below, or for the full album visit our Facebook page.

Rob Vozzo